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Home Contacts

KOMA – Industry s.r.o.

Ruská 514/41
706 02 Ostrava-Vítkovice
Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 595 952 436 (sekretariát)

IČO: 64617912
DIČ: CZ64617912

Datová schránka: 8bff8m7


Company management

Managing Director
Ing. Martin Kotajny

tel: +420 595 954 775
mobil: +420 606 760 262
e-mail: martin.kotajny@komaindustry.cz

Director of Development and Strategy
Gustav Kotajny

tel: +420 595 954 775
mobil: +420 602 550 841
e-mail: gustav.kotajny@komaindustry.cz

Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Ing. Jiří Brož, MBA

tel: +420 595 954 775
mobil: +420 606 034 073
e-mail: jiri.broz@komaindustry.cz

Executive assistant
Ing. Lenka Janeczková

tel: +420 595 954 775
mobil: +420 776 162 283
e-mail: lenka.janeczkova@komaindustry.cz

Business Director Section

Business Manager
Ing. Tomáš Sikora

mobil: +420 602 502 690
e-mail: tomas.sikora@komaindustry.cz
email for inquiry: koma@komaindustry.cz

Production Director Section

Production Manager
Ing. Libor Kaštovský

tel: +420 595 953 474
mobil: +420 724 282 322
e-mail: libor.kastovsky@komaindustry.cz

Operation service

Service manager
Bogdan Sekula

tel: +420 595 952 006
mobil: +420 602 499 580
e-mail: bogdan.sekula@komaindustry.cz

Purchasing department

tel: +420 595 956 685
mobil: +420 607 099 082
e-mail: nakup@komaindustry.cz

Warehouse department

tel: +420 595 954 344
mobil: +420 606 071 462
e-mail: sklad@komaindustry.cz

Car service center

Car service center manager
Lukáš Mlýnek

tel: +420 724 515 932
mobil: +420 727 956 588
e-mail: lukas.mlynek@komaindustry.cz